Monday, August 13, 2012

Comic Con Gone Wrong (My First Renaissance Fair)

My very good friend invited me to go to a Renaissance fair with her and her family.  I hadn't been to one before, and I was eager to spend some time with my good friend who I hadn't seen in a while, so I went.

I found it all to be interesting... I enjoyed the acting, the food, and the merchandise (well, I looked at them, I didn't buy them due to their ridiculous pricing and my lack of need for anything).  Another person I knew, who was one of the reasons we went, was one of the actresses.  She was excellent! Probably my favorite of the people who worked there.

I also would like to acknowledge that I had cheesecake dipped in Godiva chocolate.  I was in heaven!

What I loved the most, though, was the people watching. Having never been to a Ren fair before, I hadn't realized just how.... interesting... the majority of attendees would be. I was aware that people dressed in costumes, but I didn't realize just how flamboyant and noteworthy many of them would be.

From what I gathered, the Renaissance fair has several types of people:

  • Common, kind of boring people who dress the way they usually would when going out. (I was in this category, as was my friend who brought me)
  • People who are slightly more spirited who wear at least a hat, shirt, or a belly dancing scarf to show the Renaissance spirit.
  • People with an entire outfitdressed appropriately for the time period. (I give these people major kudos!)
  • People with Legend of Zelda shirts. (I can't tell you how many of these there were.)  I even saw a couple of these guys walking around:
Well, not exactly.  But with the greet hat and blouse, and even with some wearing the elf ears, they might as well have been wannabe Links.
  • Girls with corsets or outfits that are obviously being worn to show off their boobs and thighs.
  • Outfits that are just... not... from the time period. (see below)

This is a mixture of different women I saw.  Note the bubble-skirt, the animal-print corset showing off the cleavage.  Looks more like an anime character or a lingerie model than a woman of the Middle Ages.  Going to the Ren fair is the PERFECT way to get away with dressing revealingly.  Like in Halloween... "When girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." -Mean Girls

And many others.
The people ranged from interesting to talk about to just scary to look at.  I also saw one of these people:
Wrong time period... wrong continent..... wrong.... I don't even know.  But he seemed pretty chill!
It was highly entertaining.  The costumes were extremely interesting.  Some were extremely cool! And others were reminiscent of a failed version of a cosplaying event.  Or Comic Con.  I must say, I really and truly admire a lot of the people who are willing to dress up like that in public, though.  Don't get me wrong.  They clearly know how to have fun at these types of events, or at least just make an impression on people.

So, all in all, did I enjoy it? HELL YES! Would I go back? HELL YES.  Next time, I'm bringing my sketchbook for sure.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who am I?

Well, now that I have officially entered the world of blogging (not counting my previous attempts), perhaps I should introduce myself in a way that I will be completely understood.

First of all, I love to create.  I am an artist.  I love nothing more than to paint the people and aspects of my life to bring happiness to myself and others.  I like to represent reality as much as I possibly can with my developing artistic abilities.  I also love to take photographs.  Not just the easy Instagram shit.  Although, I do love that application.  I have a Canon Rebel and and old Minolta film camera, and I use both constantly.  I like to capture simple things in my life and make them look, in my opinion, beautiful.  And, as this blog will indicate, I love to write.  I'm not much of a story teller, but I really like to express my opinions.  I will do that constantly.

Secondly, I love to laugh.  I have a weird sense of humor.

Thirdly, I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right.  I will express my complete thoughts about issues in my life and in the world in general.  I don't care what people think.

And lastly, the reason this blog is named after a woolly animal is because I can make a good sheep sound.

You can only imagine what it is like to actually know me.'s something.