Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Fruitless Fantasy

"Will it be any good?"  This is always the first thought that races through my head as I sit down.  "Will it be any good?", I think about it again as I sit in that plush velvet seat.  I open my program.  The sound of papers, chatter, and candy wrappers fill me ears.  "Will it be good?", I ask my self one more time.  Then the lights dim.

All feeling of doubt get wiped away as the orchestra starts to play.  The sound of the rolling timpani replace the candy wrappers as the curtain goes up and I get excited.  This is my favorite part : knowing that you are about to see something great unfold before your eyes.  Suddenly time stops, I leave all of my troubles behind and enter a beautiful world of imagination.  I feel free.

I cry, laugh, and feel at home.  This is my home, my beautiful palace were anything can happen.  But sadly it never lasts.  Two and a half hours later, I am back outside in the real world wishing I could still be in my fantasy world, knowing I never can be.  Instead I sit and wish.  I wish to return as the train returns me to my real life.  I bring a small piece of this world back with me, a small program.  I stare it longing to return.

 Eventually I know I will go back to my beautiful palace and let it carry me away to all of its glamor and I will again ask myself "Will it be any good?", already knowing the answer.  Someday I will return, but when?

'Ello Everyone!

That's my flourished way of saying hello, although I have a feeling it reads better aloud than in one's head. I'm Rachel, another one of Marisa's chums who will, from time to time, be adding my two-sense to this blog. I'm a junior in high school who loves New York City, and wishes her life was a John Hughes' film. I'm a pessimist, but a dreamer. A realist, with an extraordinarily large imagination that needs to be tamed from time to time. I am counting down the days until I can escape the oppressive environment I seem to be trapped in called high school, and am looking for some kind of instruction booklet in this big, board game we're all taking part in called life.

Most of what I post on here will be the thoughts that run across my mind every so often, that sound insanely philosophical. I tend to act like I'm 76 instead of 16, but hey, we all have our quirks. Hopefully, they'll inspire you, or at least get a laugh of out you. But above all, I'm excited to join the blogosphere with some great people by my side.

When I'm not on here you can find me on my personal blog, Always Extraordinary: http://theperksofbeing-rachel.blogspot.com or my photo blog, THE PERKS OF BEING INFINITE RACHEL: http://fuckoffneverland.tumblr.com

Infinite xoxo,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hello, Hurricane

Hey, everyone! Decided to prove that I am actually being productive.  Working on finishing a painting that I started at the end of the previous school year.

At the moment, it's a bit of a catastrophe. (Pun intended)

I'm working on this while awaiting Hurricane Sandy.  I have a little bit of a storm phobia, so I've been hiding out in my basement all day.  It hasn't quite hit my residence, yet.  But it's very rainy and windy.  Some of my friends down in the city and across the river are already fending off the hurricane, so I figure that I'll be getting worse conditions very soon.

I can't help but find it entertaining how the first concern of some of my teenage Facebook friends is that they're going to lose power, or they can't talk to friends.  My biggest concern right now is that the big tree outside my room might crash through my window.

To my friends and family: I pray that you are all storm-safe!

To my artistic friends and family: Get some cool photos or sketches of the storm!
...and well, be safe, too.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

One of the aforementioned new contributors...

My name is Anna and my 12 times tables are a little fuzzy but my way with words is sparkling.  

I'll most likely be contributing in the "trivial occurrences" department. I'm a friend of Marisa's and the other new contributor who I shall not name at this point in time. I'm a senior in a suffocating but endearing little high school. Aspiring writer, poet, college student, city dweller, and Cosmo subscriber. Slowly learning to decode French, but I'm decent at Spanish. Eagerly awaiting my freedom and the case I ordered for my iPhone. Hopefully you'll enjoy mine and everyone else's posts. I recommend subscribing if you want to feel better about how minimally awkward your life is by comparison to mine.

New Members!

4ES is currently dying due to my lack of time for posting... so I decided to let some of my profound writer friends join the blog! That way, when they have ideas and I don't, they can write stuff too! So, this blog will represent all of us.