Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel: Busy Little Bees

Goodness, finally, a Thursday! Yes, I missed a week while away overseas, however, I am back, and here to speak my piece. And today, it's the issue that I know a good chunk of us deal with: how busy we are. I know it definitely affects me. Clearly, since I've been rather terrible with keeping to my promise of updating every Thursday due to a million other things that seem to rear their ugly face (AP Biology exams, trips all over the place for various things, unplanned illnesses...) But I'm not just addressing how teenagers have schedule juggling issues, because face it, that would be boring.

I want to go on about how I'm kind of getting tired of hearing about how busy you are all. While I do sympathize to the occasional need to vent (and am guilty of even abusing the privilege from time to time), I think we all need to calm down and stop ragging on each other. It isn't a competition to see who can rack up the least hours of sleep and the greatest amount of crankiness. There is no benefit in going on about how you can't get your assignment done because of your extracurricular activities. And above all, most of these choices are yours.

The Honors classes. The music lessons. The sports practices. All of these things are decisions that you made to partake in, because you know that you like doing them, or know that they're for the best in the end. We all need to understand that our issue of time management for things like this is very different from someone who has a serious issue with not having enough time because they have to do something like work two jobs to support a family. That's a serious time issue. Now, staying up until midnight at school for musical rehearsal (cough cough, pointed comment...), or working your tail off at basketball practice? That's a choice, and no matter the consequence, it was one you made.

Most teenagers in America especially are working the juggling act between top classes, family life, clubs, volunteer work, and go yeah, time for a social life. It's basically the most ridiculous calendar one can look at. But the only thing that us youth can be comforted in is knowing that we aren't alone in this madness. And along with this we should know that most people don't want to hear about our problems, when they've got their own pestering them of similar nature. I'm not talking about a quick groan to a buddy, and then moving right on to your next task. I'm addressing shoving these problems at people, as if they're suddenly supposed to grant you a pardon and throw you a pity party. Sorry, not going to happen...

And I'll apologize for my own grief. For those of you who know me, I've got sort of spastic attendance record mixed with an admiration for traveling whenever possible. This year alone I've wracked up six absences for traveling to concerts, weddings, and one foreign country. But I take total responsibility for any stress or agony it causes me. When I miss work, I bitch about it to myself for a bit, and then I try to just move on. If you want to do the things you enjoy, then you have to be willing to handle the consequences that come along with the fun. That's the way all things in life work. A little give, and a little take.

Really, I understand that you've got problems. But everyone has them, so you're not alone. Please, stop making your pretend ones sound so much greater than the rest of ours. Thank you in advance...

Happy Thursday :) Infinite xoxo,

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