Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel: The "First Love" Complex

No, I'm not crazy, I am fully aware that it is Friday, and not Thursday. And perhaps it is not the best way to earn a loyal reader by skipping out the second week on the job on the semi-promise I made to post once a week on the same day, but alas, the insane life of a student often takes over, and instead of being able to do what I love, I must study organelle parts and how to find slant-asymptotes. Oh, the joys of high school. But tonight, I am here for a hot night of philosophical theories and poorly written alliterations for all of you. You are both welcome and apologized to.

Tonight, I tackle the task of the fickle, feeble, and free-spirited heart. While I know very little of the subject, I do have a thought on the matter: people, specifically males (oddly enough...) , have the hardest time getting over the hump of their first, heavy romance. It seems that they aren't able to fully pull away from the relationship, even if they were only fourteen at the time. I call it the first love complex. And while I don't like to stereotype, it often comes in useful, like here, where I am going to state that this ailment of the heart often affects guys before it does girls.

Perhaps it's because females are the stronger sex (c'mon, dudes, as much as I adore you, y'all know it's true. We push babies out of our private parts... I'd like to see all of you deal with that). But whatever, the reason, I see lots of examples. Good guys, some even being great guys, seem to fall into the trap, even the really smart ones. There seem to be two ways that this complex rears its less than wonderful face.

Case A: The guy, despite having other possibilities out there who are standing right in front of them (practically screaming "I like you" in their face, mind you), just can't seem to commit. Now they often claim that they just aren't ready for another commitment, that you two can just have "fun". But take this with a grain of salt and warning. Look into his face, his eyes, his mouth, and mention that "first love's" name. Watch him react, with every squirm, every smile, every slight squint like he's trying to pretend they don't know or don't remember what you're speaking of. Then listen for the answer. Sometimes the words will speak the truth, and others, the body will say it for him. It's like an instrumental version of a song. The words might not be there, but the notes and the chords say a lot.

And then we've got Case B: This is perhaps the more publicized problem at hand. The guy continues to go back with the "first love", even if it didn't work out the first, second, eighth time around. The hang up is still there, as if the problems didn't exist. You'd think a person would be able to realize that eventually, the same pattern is bound to repeat itself, like a really bad pop song on the radio with unoriginal lyrics. Sure, the chorus might seem catchy at first, but eventually, you're going to get sick of it. That's how these kinds of relationships are.

So there you have it, my indefinite but overly-explained idea on how the most vital, and in our minds most emotional, organ in the body functions. Perhaps I'm wrong. Boys, if you haven't had this issue, I'm sorry for throwing you into a generalization. But, some of you, whether you want to or not, might realize how you fall into this group. And maybe this post doesn't change anything, however I can be optimistic enough to think it might at least get you thinking. That's all a writer can hope for.

To sum things up, girls who are the "first love", take heed of what you might be getting yourself into. That relationship is going to leave a very big imprint in the heart of your mate, a fact which can be fantastic and friction-causing at the same time. And to the rest of us, just living among those who have had their heart broken for the first time and are secretly hung up on the person, hang in there. All things will pass, and as people mature, they'll realize that the first try is not always the one that sticks. Maybe they'll stop playing those "songs" on their radios, and switch to an uplifting tune, or a serious love song that means the most to them out of everything they've ever heard. One can only hope.

Have a lovely weekend. I know I will, as I am currently on the Connecticut coast, snuggled up in a warm room with a fire place, snow outside on the ground, and an iTunes playlist full of inspiring songs. What more could a person ask for?

Infinite xoxo,

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