Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel [On a Sunday]... One Minute to Say Goodbye Before We Say Hello...

If you know what film the quote for the title is from, I'm proud. If not, sit your butt down and watch more movies. Anyway, wishing you all a terrific New Year tomorrow. If you'd like to read my post about the Year in Review, click that cute little link right here: CLICK ME, CLICK ME!! HAPPY NEW YEAR

Wishing everyone a safe & happy 2013!!

Infinite xoxo,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mamma's Monday: Christmas

Merry Christmas all my Little Dee's out there,

This holiday season, I sit in my worn out Lazy Boy drinking eggnog, playing with my cats, and thinking.  What is Christmas?  To some people it's waiting to get gifts from Santa, while for others it's about spending time with family.  Well, I don't have any of those to look forward too.  I don't have any family near by and Santa is scared of me.  This does not stop me from celebrating Christmas though.

I put my DVD of a burning yule log in (it plays for 58 minutes) and I thank God.  I thank Him for all that he has given me.  Successful daughters, lovely cats, and a long life.  How could I ask for anything more?  This is all I need to make me happy. 

Next I bake cookies all day.  These cookies are not just for me, but for the other seniors in the building that also don't have any family.  Doing this gives me a little happy feeling inside.  I just did something to bring some wonderful holiday cheer!

Well, it smells like the cookies are done.  If any of you tell anyone about Mamma Dee's soft side, I'll kill you and boil your insides!!!  Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe!

Mamma Dee

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel: #EndoftheWorldConfessions [PS: Happy Holidays]

Many of you are probably aware of the theory that the world is coming to an end tomorrow at some point. Now I’m not one to believe in that sort of insanity, until this afternoon. Today was actually a bit of an abnormally good day for me. Things went super well, my hair behaved, and my dorky Christmas sweater was actually kind of ironically cute instead of just all dork. And get this: at guitar lessons, this kid I used to know in middle school came in after me, and he remembered my name. Now I’m aware that this doesn’t sound like a big, exciting event, but I’m not very re-memorable, so it freaked me out slightly (not to mention the kid has significantly improved since our eighth grade days…). Oh, and to add to the madness, I don’t have any homework to night. Let the scariness begin…

So here are my eleven confessions, if the world were to end tomorrow. When they uncover the earth, and realize that we had a thing called the Internet, someone will see these and laugh at these “personal” things I had to share. Just for your Thursday enjoyment J

Confession #1: All of my books are based on real people that I know. If you choose to be my friend or my acquaintance and spend time in my life, it’s kind of a risk you have to be willing to take. Sorry, but if you’re nice, I usually try to put you in a good light. If you’re not… well… I can’t be responsible for what I might write about you, even though it might be slightly exaggerated.

Confession #2: I have a huge issue with change. Coming back from vacations. Buying a new microwave. People walking in and out of my life. It’s all under the category of stuff that I have an issue accepting. After a while, I suppose I get used to it, but it bother me nonetheless. It’s a childish thing I’m probably not going to grow out of, since it’s stuck around for sixteen years.

Confession #3: My dreams and reality get mixed up sometimes. If I ever mention something to you that just sounds insane, than I’ve probably dreamed it, and it feels super real. It happens on occasion, and I’m sorry. Just take pity on the fact that that’s probably the most insane thing that I do.

Confession #4: When I get tired, I sound drunk. Despite my big belief in the fact that as the hour of the night turns into the early minutes of the morning, the words that you speak come from a closer place in your heart, I sound a little loopy when I get tired. This isn’t the best combination for a light sleeper, bordering on insomniac, person such as myself. But keep in might, when I’m lacking energy, I sound like a sorority girl during rush week.

Confession #5: Yes, I write in all of my textbooks. Most are old as dirt anyway. I’m only improving them, and helping the next student along with my notes. You’re welcome.

Confession #6: I really miss physics class. Don’t tell Mrs. Johnston.

Confession #7: The Polar Express makes me cry. As does Toy Story and The Snowman. Basically, anything with those sappy songs about childhood, or the magic of Christmas makes my heart a little heavy. I’m a sucker for feeling like I’m six again.

Confession #8: I’m so over-compulsive that I have an outfit plan. Yes, it’s true, and a little silly. But I make a specific plan for the articles of clothing I wear a week. Although be aware it’s one of the only two things I’m super, freakishly perfectionist and neat about.

Confession #9: My iPod holds a higher place in my heart than my phone. Seriously, my phone can sit under a pillow with the battery dying for days, but the minute my iPod is the least bit uncharged I start to have a little freak out moment.

Confession #10: I probably swear too much. Point in case, while writing this sentence, instead of writing “much”, I accidentally wrote, “fuck”. Perhaps that should be a resolution if there’s a new year.

And finally, Confession #11: My biggest flaw is probably my tendency to take everything too seriously. But, isn’t the first step to fixing this admitting it? Isn’t that what they tell people with addictions? Anyway, it’s true.

Well, voila, what I would confess, (within limits of course, this is the Internet), if the world were to end tomorrow. And of course, when we all come to our sense on December 22nd, wake up and say “hey look, everybody’s alive” it will be a silly remnant to share with the grandchildren in fifty years about how everybody really thought we might blow up or something.

Since the next time I talk to all of you, it will be after Christmas, I hope that all have a lovely holiday. To my Jews out there, here’s wishing Hannukah was fabulous, all eight nights. I’m not sure if anyone I’ve ever met celebrates Kwanza, but if you do, let’s make it great, too. Tomorrow night, I’ll be rushing around, getting all of the wrapping and counting of presents done, like a mad person. Oh, there’s nothing like the holidays…

Enjoy it all, everyone! Sending you & your families the best wished possible.

Infinite xoxo,

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just a note from the blog's founder: To make the blog more searchable and more user-friendly, we will be undergoing some physical changes.  So, don't freak out when everything changes!


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thursdays (on a Saturday…) with Rachel: It’s Christmas Time in the City

First, let me start by sending all of my love and prayers out to the victims of the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that occurred yesterday morning. When I read the news headlines going across the top of the Fox News building in New York City, I couldn’t believe it. My heart goes out to those poor parents, who went to pick up their children from school, only to find out that they weren’t there to come home. It’s terrible that this stuff happens in the world we live in, and you’d think that with all of our intelligence and technology there’d be a way to stop it. But for now, all we can do is hug our families a little tighter, be thankful for the lives that we have, and enjoy every day we are given. If you’re interested in helping Newtown, Connecticut families with the expense of funeral costs for some of the children, and whatever else that they need, visit this website:

And now, for the blog post, hopefully to lift your spirits. Now, this would have come Thursday, but I had a sort of terrible sore throat, which the docs claim was nothing more than a bit of a cold trying to keep up. Oh, winter, how you tease me with your illnesses. So, needless to say, I fell asleep early and forgot about writing. Woops… However last night, I have a bit of a more exciting excuse. I was at an annual Christmas party for a family member of mine in the Big Apple. And might I just add, there are few things I enjoy more than the magic of New York at Christmas. It’s one of the few times I actually take pleasure in acting as though I am a tourist (although honestly, I feel like a New Yorker, not an upstate-er).

Everything just seems more magical there. The chill in the air, the people carrying bags from Saks Fifth Avenue, Toys R Us, and FAO Schwartz, and the red Starbucks paper cups with warm, holiday favorites. The candy cane striped bus stops that aren’t in use for the season, the Saint Patrick’s Cathedral manger scene with the golden retriever, the Salvation Army red kettles on every other corner with cheerful people ringing their silver bells to Christmas music. The massive decorations on the street are, too, my favorite thing to take in. The red ribbons wrapping up Cartier, the dripping icicle belts from Fendi, the nutcrackers, the Christmas lights, and the shiny red balls all lined up against Sixth. And then you’ve got my favorite, an old one but still, a classic: the Rockefeller Plaza Christmas tree.

Yes, even as a child, I always thought that giant spruce was magical, in some construed way. It wasn’t December without a visit to the plaza to look at the skater’s, take a photo of the angels with their trumpets, and of course, marvel at the tree, which just seems to engulf the square in a way no other thing can. When there at night (in my opinion, the only time to go if you want to absorb its full beauty), it’s a mad house. Families everywhere, from all over the globe, grabbing hands to try and stay together as they maneuver their way through the throngs of others, all trying to do the same thing. It’s nuttiness. It’s a little pushy. It’s absolutely beautiful.

If you’ve yet to experience New York at Christmas, I suggest that you should reconsider what you have done in your life. Although London (the other city I visited this holiday season) is certainly more filled with decorations (imagine, many, many streets just like Fifth Avenue, filled with gorgeous, 12 feet lighted decorations up above the walks), it’s not quite what New York is to me. Maybe because NYC just feels like home, especially in December… It’s a place where I can almost see myself in ten years, walking down the street with a warm pretzel, taking it all in as I stride back to my cheap apartment. Yes, it’s lovely, incredibly lovely.

The only thing that would have added to the spirit of the season would have been snow. I’m crossing my fingers, toes, and whatever else is flexible enough that the white magic will fall upon us sometime on the twenty-four of this month. That would be enough of a present for me (even though I am indeed pining for John Green’s novel, The Fault in Our Stars, to make it’s way under my tree). How else is Santa supposed to land his magic sleigh with the eight tiny reindeer in my lawn?

Hoping you’re all having a good weekend, and taking some time to realize how fortunate we are for the things we have. It’s a scary place out there, and we don’t always appreciate the good, little stuff that hides in the corners of our days. People holding the door open for us. A warm hug from someone you really care about. Indulging in your favorite candy bar. It sounds like really dumb stuff, but one day, it just might put a smile on your face. Because remember, there are twenty little kids who can’t experience those things anymore, now up in heaven as little angels.

May all who read this stay safe, and keep Newtown, CT in yours thoughts. Have a wonderful week.

Infinite xoxo,

Friday, December 14, 2012

My friends, family, and readers:

I have nothing insightful or comical to share today, because the tragedy today has filled me with so much anger and sadness.

All I can say is the following:

Love your friends and family with everything you have.  Hold your loved ones close and never take any moments with them for granted.  Live every day like it could be your last.  Love your life, spirituality, and everything good the world has to offer until the day you die.

God bless Newtown, Connecticut, and everyone who has lost their loved ones unexpectedly.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mamma's Monday: The Zombie Apocalypse

Hello all my Little Dee's,

I am finally out of my cast.  It took a long time, but I am back on my feet doing what I do best, annoying the crap out of everyone!!

Now that my foot has healed, I began packing.  Not for a trip to visit relatives or go play bingo, but a trip to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.  That's right, I am getting ready for December 21st, the day most of the world will become mindless zombies and kill all of the survivors.  I plan on surviving through this and I want to help you too. Here are a few necessities for one to have during a Zombie Apocalypse:

Shotgun-How else are you supposed to fend off zombies?  BLOW THEIR HEADS OFF!!!!!!!!  It's a good thing I have a lot of practice from Halloween when those ridiculous tricker treateres stop by...

Cat Food-I do not want to live through the apocalypse by myself!!!  So I plan on putting cat food out to catch the stray cats and keep them as my personal pets.  Then I'll train them to attack zombies.  I will raise an army this way and save the human race.  Look out zombies, this fat old lady will kill you all with an army of tiny little fluff balls.

Cigarettes-Yes, I know people are dying all around me but I do need to relax sometimes.  I feel like I would need to unwind a bit after a long hard day of training kittens and killing zombies.

I hope these tips help you all to survive the upcoming Apocalypse!!!  I need to go now.  I have Karate classes to further help me kick some zombie butt.

Mamma Dee

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel: I Dreamed a Dream

Alright, so here we go. Thursday again. Just close enough to Friday that all of us can taste it, our second full week of school in a row (which is in my opinion, insanity, especially since Christmas is less than three weeks away…), but just far enough away that we can’t quite grab it and celebrate. And maybe it’s the long week syndrome, or perhaps it’s just my overactive imagination acting up again, but over the last few days in particular, I’ve been having some intensely vivid dreams.

It all started with a wedding dream. They’re something I’m accustomed to, since I’ve had them involving all kinds of people and all sorts of scenarios (last year, I had a reoccurring dream where my best friend was wed to her fiancĂ©, and my pot-smoking, high-out-of-his-mind, hardcore bass-playing crush at the time made multiple appearances where he showed up to the event completely nude. Talk about awkward when you see him in the hallways, passing by…), but not usually so frequent.

And the strange thing about this set of wedding dreams was that they were essentially the same, except for a few select details. It was always one of my other friends (a fellow author of the blog J) saying, “I do” to her current boyfriend. But select things were different. The first dream, the one I remember the best, had a kid I don’t even really know that well in it, which is weird for me. You don’t usually appear in my dreams unless, well, I’ve had interaction with you of some kind.

But nevertheless, this guy (possibly the only person I’ve been informed of who is more pathetically single than myself… and mind you, that’s saying a great deal) took a staring role in my sleepy thoughts. Not out of character, he was attempting to hit on everyone’s grandmother at the celebration, after drinking a bit too much alcohol. Needless to say, this was a bit of a laugh for those who know him, since I guess that it doesn’t stray too far from what could have been the truth.

So on went the wedding dreams, where as always I was the bridesmaid and never the bride. And I didn’t think much of the vivid reoccurrences, until they just stopped, and then I figured I was just out of the dream cycle for a while. Then came last night, when I was watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with my mother. She astutely pointed out that Hermey, the little elf who wants nothing more than to be a dentist, resembles a certain fella in my class. After a good deal of laughing, I agreed and didn’t think much more of the statement.

Then later that night, while fast asleep, my mind wandered off to have a dream that started out in my school gymnasium. Me and another student were given boxes to bring down to the basement in the building. Now, this is only weird in the fact that my school doesn’t have a basement that students regularly access… When I went down there with the other student, I was surprised as to what I saw.

There, in the fictitious basement of my high school, were majority of the males from my junior class, all dressed as Santa’s little helpers, and working on benches to make toys. And leading all of them on, standing at the front, was none other than the guy whom earlier in the evening I had imagined as a brunette version of Hermey. Even in the dream the irony wasn’t lost of me.

That’s how my week has been. Insane dreams, a great lack of sleep, and the slightest bit of a cold. Nothing unusual or different. But the next time you have a nutty nighttime experience humming about in your head, just remember: at least I’m not as crazy as Rachel, to make an entire class of 16 year-old guys dress and look like elves working on toys.

Here’s to a terrific weekend! We’re almost there!

Infinite xoxo,

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mamma's Monday: Rudy

Hello my Little Dee's,

Since last we spoke, I broke my foot restocking the shelves at Wal-Mart.  I slipped on the damn shiny floor AGAIN!!  I guess it's time to retire those bunny slippers...

So today while I was sitting in the cafeteria eating my apple sauce, I caught a glimpse of an old flame of mine; Rudy Bowers.  Rudy and I met way back in '39 at a Las Vegas casino.  He was quite the lady's man.  Next thing I remember we were in his room...playing Go Fish.  Let me get back to the cafeteria.  So I'm sitting there and I suddenly see him majestically grace the floor with his tennis ball tipped walker    , and I lose my breath for a moment.  What a man, in his suspenders, shorts, and lose fitting dentures.  I felt the sweat drip down my brow and cascade over my wrinkles as I silently sat staring at him.  I had to talk to him.

After the third try, I eventually got out of my seat and wobbled over to the line.  I came up behind him and whispered in his ear; "Hello my sexy beast!".  But I forgot he lost his hearing aids, so I got the stupid reply of; "No, but I'd like some mashed potatoes."  So I tried again and said; "HELLO MY SEXY BEAST!!!!!"  Not only was I greeted with; "Calm down, I'll play shuffle board later", but I also received some very weird glances.  Uggghh, I just made an ass of myself yelling to a man who thinks he's playing shuffle board.  Who looks crazy?  I do.

I guess there is a reason Rudy and I aren't together, but who cares.  I will do whatever I have to to be with him.  Hell, I've lived 102 glorious years on a diet of 8 packs of cigarettes a day.. I might as well be immortal!!!

Mamma Dee