Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursdays with Rachel: I Dreamed a Dream

Alright, so here we go. Thursday again. Just close enough to Friday that all of us can taste it, our second full week of school in a row (which is in my opinion, insanity, especially since Christmas is less than three weeks away…), but just far enough away that we can’t quite grab it and celebrate. And maybe it’s the long week syndrome, or perhaps it’s just my overactive imagination acting up again, but over the last few days in particular, I’ve been having some intensely vivid dreams.

It all started with a wedding dream. They’re something I’m accustomed to, since I’ve had them involving all kinds of people and all sorts of scenarios (last year, I had a reoccurring dream where my best friend was wed to her fiancĂ©, and my pot-smoking, high-out-of-his-mind, hardcore bass-playing crush at the time made multiple appearances where he showed up to the event completely nude. Talk about awkward when you see him in the hallways, passing by…), but not usually so frequent.

And the strange thing about this set of wedding dreams was that they were essentially the same, except for a few select details. It was always one of my other friends (a fellow author of the blog J) saying, “I do” to her current boyfriend. But select things were different. The first dream, the one I remember the best, had a kid I don’t even really know that well in it, which is weird for me. You don’t usually appear in my dreams unless, well, I’ve had interaction with you of some kind.

But nevertheless, this guy (possibly the only person I’ve been informed of who is more pathetically single than myself… and mind you, that’s saying a great deal) took a staring role in my sleepy thoughts. Not out of character, he was attempting to hit on everyone’s grandmother at the celebration, after drinking a bit too much alcohol. Needless to say, this was a bit of a laugh for those who know him, since I guess that it doesn’t stray too far from what could have been the truth.

So on went the wedding dreams, where as always I was the bridesmaid and never the bride. And I didn’t think much of the vivid reoccurrences, until they just stopped, and then I figured I was just out of the dream cycle for a while. Then came last night, when I was watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with my mother. She astutely pointed out that Hermey, the little elf who wants nothing more than to be a dentist, resembles a certain fella in my class. After a good deal of laughing, I agreed and didn’t think much more of the statement.

Then later that night, while fast asleep, my mind wandered off to have a dream that started out in my school gymnasium. Me and another student were given boxes to bring down to the basement in the building. Now, this is only weird in the fact that my school doesn’t have a basement that students regularly access… When I went down there with the other student, I was surprised as to what I saw.

There, in the fictitious basement of my high school, were majority of the males from my junior class, all dressed as Santa’s little helpers, and working on benches to make toys. And leading all of them on, standing at the front, was none other than the guy whom earlier in the evening I had imagined as a brunette version of Hermey. Even in the dream the irony wasn’t lost of me.

That’s how my week has been. Insane dreams, a great lack of sleep, and the slightest bit of a cold. Nothing unusual or different. But the next time you have a nutty nighttime experience humming about in your head, just remember: at least I’m not as crazy as Rachel, to make an entire class of 16 year-old guys dress and look like elves working on toys.

Here’s to a terrific weekend! We’re almost there!

Infinite xoxo,

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