Monday, December 3, 2012

Mamma's Monday: Rudy

Hello my Little Dee's,

Since last we spoke, I broke my foot restocking the shelves at Wal-Mart.  I slipped on the damn shiny floor AGAIN!!  I guess it's time to retire those bunny slippers...

So today while I was sitting in the cafeteria eating my apple sauce, I caught a glimpse of an old flame of mine; Rudy Bowers.  Rudy and I met way back in '39 at a Las Vegas casino.  He was quite the lady's man.  Next thing I remember we were in his room...playing Go Fish.  Let me get back to the cafeteria.  So I'm sitting there and I suddenly see him majestically grace the floor with his tennis ball tipped walker    , and I lose my breath for a moment.  What a man, in his suspenders, shorts, and lose fitting dentures.  I felt the sweat drip down my brow and cascade over my wrinkles as I silently sat staring at him.  I had to talk to him.

After the third try, I eventually got out of my seat and wobbled over to the line.  I came up behind him and whispered in his ear; "Hello my sexy beast!".  But I forgot he lost his hearing aids, so I got the stupid reply of; "No, but I'd like some mashed potatoes."  So I tried again and said; "HELLO MY SEXY BEAST!!!!!"  Not only was I greeted with; "Calm down, I'll play shuffle board later", but I also received some very weird glances.  Uggghh, I just made an ass of myself yelling to a man who thinks he's playing shuffle board.  Who looks crazy?  I do.

I guess there is a reason Rudy and I aren't together, but who cares.  I will do whatever I have to to be with him.  Hell, I've lived 102 glorious years on a diet of 8 packs of cigarettes a day.. I might as well be immortal!!!

Mamma Dee    

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